[Guide] Moonlight Lovers Aaron Chapter 4


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A. Aaron? I’d like to speak with you. CORRECT
B. Sorry to bother you… Do you have a minute?
C. Is anyone around? Are you there, Aaron?

A. Would you like to… have a drink with me in the kitchen, or something?
B. I feel like going out. Want to join me? CORRECT
C. I was thinking we could… have a training session. That’s something you do all the time, right?

A. It looks like something’s bothering you… What’s wrong? CORRECT
B. I guess it’s a lot different from your tavern…

A. Well, it wouldn’t have been my first choice, either. But I’m happy to be here tonight. CORRECT
B. I don’t like this kind of place, either.
C. I really like the feeling of losing myself in the music, the lights, the noise.

A. (I can’t let him go without saying something!) CORRECT
B. (It’s been such a lovely night and I don’t want to spoil it… I’d better not say anything.)
C. (Maybe he’ll understand with a hint.)

A. (I can’t leave him like this. I should tell Vladimir.)
B. (He asked me to leave… I’m not going to stick around and wait for him to beg me… I’d have to be crazy to do that…)
C. (Maybe Aaron will know what to do…) CORRECT

A. And Vladimir or one of the others can’t go with you?
B. Is there anything I can do to help? CORRECT
C. Why are you doing this for him?

A. Don’t worry.
B. I’ll do my best. CORRECT
C. Not really… but I guess I don’t have a choice.

A. Back off. No one’s leaving until I say so.
B. Well, that’s a very good reason not to go home at all tonight. CORRECT
C. You don’t really want to leave.


A. Vladimir, I’m sure that the new clothes looks great on you.
B. Beliath, leave him alone if he doesn’t feel like it. Let him dress however he wants. CORRECT

A. No. You need to bite me.
B. Is it because you’re feeling weak?
C. You don’t look alright. I think you need to eat something. CORRECT

A. Personally, I don’t want to wait. I can’t stand this feeling in my stomach any longer.
B. I’d be lying if I told you I enjoyed being bitten, but I’ll just have to grin and bear it. CORRECT
C. It doesn’t make much of a difference if we do it now or later…

A. Could you just do it for me? CORRECT
B. I’m not talking about splashing around in a vat of blood. It’s a question of survival.
C. Geez, sometimes you can be so stubborn.

A. Everything’s going to be okay. I’m not going to die.
B. You’re not going to make me suffer. I’m asking you to do it! CORRECT
C. You’re a nice guy. And you’ve got to eat.

A. And how was it for you? CORRECT
B. Do you think we’ll be able to share even more? Because right now the feeling is still a bit vague.
C. Or maybe it’s possible to get used to anything…

A. Intense and inspiring. CORRECT
B. Yes. By the way, I was looking for someone. Ivan.

A. Yes… Our bond is growing deeper. Sometimes I wonder what it is I’m feeling.
B. It’s quite practical, actually! We’re starting to sense each other’s feelings. CORRECT
C. I hope that we’ll get even closer. And that I’ll be able to help him lighten up a bit.

A. Alright… I guess I’ll never know… Too bad. CORRECT
B. Listen, I don’t have time for your nonsense. Let me by.
C. What is that supposed to mean? Answer me!

Rispondete correttamente ai dialoghi dell’episodio per sbloccare l’illustrazione che segue!

moonlight lovers aaron chapter 4

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