[Guide] Moonlight Lovers Ivan Chapter 6


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A. Well… I guess we can start by… saying hello.
B. I… I don’t know what to tell you… You must be surprised! CORRECT

A. Loic… I’m sorry, but… this meeting should have never taken place. CORRECT
B. Loic, it… it wouldn’t have made sense…

A. (Beliath seems to be the best choice.) CORRECT
B. (I prefer to ask Ethan for help.)

A. That’s nice of you, but I’d rather stand.
B. (I don’t want to upset him because I really need his help!) CORRECT

A. I… It’s not that extraordinary.
B. (In any case, is there any point in denying it?) CORRECT

A. Very well… I know that it’s not necessarily the safest option, but I think it will be better if we both wait outside.
B. (I don’t want to go inside!)
C. (Come on, a little bit of courage! I have to go in!) CORRECT

A. You can’t just ditch me like that! CORRECT
B. Ivan, we can’t end the night on this note!
C. You… Ivan… I know you’re upset with me. And I know that tomorrow is going to be rough… If you want to be alone…

Rispondete correttamente ai dialoghi dell’episodio per sbloccare l’illustrazione che segue!

moonlight lovers ivan chapter 6

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