[Guida] Eldarya New Era Episodio 6


circa 2500 – 3000 maana

L’ordine delle risposte su Eldarya può cambiare, quindi leggete sempre bene il testo prima di selezionare la vostra scelta!

A. Come on, tell me everything. What happened? Why are you alone?
B. Don’t worry, we don’t want to hurt you. We just want to understand.
C. So, you’re name is Edgard, right? I’m Lanyaa.

And nobody has a bank card. It’s… Where are we?

A. (I preferred to let Mathieu answer. I don’t know what to say…)
B. I would prefer to be honest: it’s going to take you a while to get used to things.
C. That’s one way of seeing things… In actually, it’s a great place!

A. (This must be a difficult moment for him… I can’t leave him like this.)
B. (No, we don’t really have the time. The stakes are too high.)
C. (It’s probably not worth it. I’ll trust Mathieu, he must have reassured him…)


Lanyaa… What’s happening to me? I don’t feel…

A. Listen, sit down, would you? Clearly, something isn’t right. +
B. Did you keep the stones with you?! You know they are dangerous!
It’s the stones, Koori. Leiftan warned you, you have to get rid of them. /


A. Wait, what?! Did you feel what I felt, from that far away?! /
B. (It’s not the time to be angry… I was very close to making a huge mistake.) +
C. And that allows you to meddle with things that don’t concern you?!


This also applies to you, by the way. Don’t do anything rash. Don’t make me hurt you.

A. That’s enough, Nevra. I think he gets it. Right, Edgard, you understand?
B. He’s not joking, Edgard. Don’t try the same thing you did earlier.
C. Nevra, be nice. You don’t realize how hard it is for him.

You shouldn’t have looked… I’m sorry you miss your world.

A. Of course, I should’ve listened to you! Sorry for allowing myself to experience emotions!
I… It’s not that. Actually, I don’t think I miss it anymore… (positiva con lovometro alto)
It’s nothing, don’t worry. Let’s stay focused, our mission isn’t complete. (neutra con lov’o’metro alto, positiva con lov’o’metro basso)


A. Listen, I’m going to just burst the bubble. How did you feel when you looked through the portal?
B. Such a beautiful view… but I admit that I can’t wait to see the tower of the City of El again.
C. How did it go, when you all found Koori?


A. It’s so much more enjoyable to save than to kill, don’t you think?
It’s too cute… Great, now I miss my companion.
C. (I gently brought my hand close to the draflayel to pet it.)


A. (Yes, I’m going to ask him for help. At worst, he’ll refuse again.)
(No, I’m tired of arguing with him. I’m going to try to do it on my own.)


A. (I’m ready! They won’t know what hit them!)
B. (A QTE… That sounds familiar… What is it again?) – spiegazione dei Quick Time Event

A. (The coward! He’s abandoned us at the worst moment!)
B. (I hope he’s somewhere safe, and nothing has happened to him.)

A. (I have to break Koori from her trance so her illusions disappear.) ILLUSTRAZIONE!
B. (At this distance, I can reach them if I use my powers.)
C. (I have to tell someone. We have to help Mathieu!)

In questo episodio sono disponibili due illustrazioni! Per sbloccarle è sufficiente seguire il corso della storia e rispondere correttamente ai dialoghi!

Eldarya New Era Episodio 6

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