[Guida] Eldarya New Era Episodio 10


NB: su Eldarya l’ordine delle risposte può cambiare, quindi leggete bene il testo prima di selezionare la vostra scelta!

Per completare questo episodio sono necessari circa 3.800 MAANA
(tenuta da 840 manaas inclusa)


But I think we’ll have all the time later to talk about this.

A. I’m sorry; I’m getting carried away, I’ll try to be succinct. +
B. You’re right, this isn’t the topic at hand. Let’s move on. /
C. If we come back from this mission alive, yes…


A. Excuse me, but I thought I heard you say that I was going to spend the week with Purriry… /
B. Well… I’m not very useful with my fingers, I don’t know how to sew… +
C. You’re telling me that I’m going to spend seven days sewing?!


I don’t doubt that it’s a charming place, but I want to be ablo to come back to my world.

A. (I just nodded, without pointing out the insensitivity of her comment.) /
B. I hadn’t thought about that… I guess that0s safer, you’re right. +
C. It’s rather insensitive to present things like that in front of me and Mathieu.


I can’t wait to start! I got up at dawn to wait for you!

A. (I’ll admit that her enthusiasm is rather motivating!) /
B. (Gosh, I’m already tired. She’s much too good of shape.) /

You’ll have the most beautiful outfit! Which is normal since you’re helping me.

A. I’m not sure it’s a question of making beautiful outfits…
B. Thank you, but that’s not necessary… /
C. Great, thanks! Huang Chu will be so jealous! +


A. (I read in his eyes a call for help. I have to rescue him.) +
B. (Perhaps I should help him… But at the same time, it’s pretty funny…)


But I imagine that this time, the opportunity was too good to pass up…

A. I agree, it’s ridiculous. They most certainly have better things to do… /
B. Say, Koori… Are you a bit jaelous? /
C. What can you do? If they’re happy…


But you have to be in shape for your upcoming mission…
A. Thanks, Chrome… I think I should go rest a bit. +
B. Are you kidding?! I feel great! I’ll have my rematch! / (Positiva con Karenn)
C. I’m dead… I knew that I shouldn’t have trained with you…(Negativa con Karenn)


It’s crucial that we know if it has something to do with our mission.

A. Without a doubt… I’ll see what I can do. /
B. Are you sure you not just saying that because you don’t like him?
C. You’re right. It surprised me too. He doesn’t look good. +


Now, if you don’t mind, the others are waiting for me.

A. Of course, go ahead. If you want to talk, I… Well, I’m here. +
B. No, I… Go ahead. Good luck… /
C. Wait a second. I feel like you’re hiding something from me.


Lanyaa, what do you think? Just imitating the pockets is enough, right?

A. Flip a coin, maybe? Or just make the right pockets… (Negativa con Karuto e Jamon)
B. I think so, yes… Actually, that’s actually done on Earth, for some pants. (Positiva con Karuto, Negativa con Jamon)
C. I agree with Jamon. Having pockets is always practical… (Positiva con Jamon, Negativa con Karuto)


A. Not to brag, but you are all very beautiful. (Positiva con Lance, Leiftan, Nevra e Huang Chu)
B. Sorry, I’m not saying anything, I’m… It’s really curious to see you like this.
C. Not bad… Where is mine? Purriry told me that it would be the most beautiful…


If gold is worth so much, why can’t we pay with it?

A. If Purriry’s outfit are so expensive, why can’t we pay using them?
B. It is not the currency that is used here. /
C. We would attract too much attention to ourselves. It’s best to stay discreet. +

eldarya new era episodio 10

Illustrazione con Lance
lance ep 10

Illustrazione con Nevra
nevra ep 10

Illustrazione con Leiftan
leiftan episodio 10

Illustrazione con Mathieu
mathieu eldarya new era episodio 10

Eldarya New Era Episodio 10

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