[Guida] Eldarya New Era Episodio 1


Per avanzare in questo episodio non verranno utilizzati i punti Maanas!

Tutte e quattro le illustrazioni si sbloccano in maniera automatica, ma iniziate fin da subito a pensare ai vari lov’o’metri se non volete perdere quelle degli episodi successivi!

Trama: in questo episodio ti svegli nella sala del cristallo dopo sette anni… dopo un salto in infermeria per accertarti che sia tutto a posto fai un giro al Quartier Generale così da ritrovare i vecchi amici e scoprire quante cose sono cambiate.

N.B. I dialoghi non compaiono sempre nello stesso ordine, quindi è importante leggere bene prima di selezionare la risposta corretta!


  1. Ewelein, you’re scaring me. Tell me what is going on. (+5 con Ewelein)
  2. Huang Hua? What happened to me? (+5 con Huang Hua)

I’ll let you know when you can see him.

  1. Thank you, Ewelein.
  2. I have to see him right away! Ewelein, I really need to talk to him…
  3. Come get me as soon as he feels ready, okay?



You’ll see the others later, of course. Who would you like to see, while I figure everything out?

  1. It may sound odd, but I would like to see Karuto.
  2. I would like to see Chrome. He must have grown!
  3. After seven years, Karenn must have quite a collection of gossip!

Don’t forget we are in the same case. We are just as suprised as you.

  1. You’re right, but I’m sure we’ll feel better soon.
  2. I was in a coma for seven years. It’s not really comparable.
  3. We are all going to need a bit of time to adapt…

Much to your credit. Meals are just as enjoyable and relaxed since.

  1. Good! Your constant outbursts were quite annoying
  2. I’m happy to hear it! Everything is better, finally.
  3. Great job, Karuto. It’s very hard to admit when you’re wrong.
  1. (I’d rather not say anything. I don’t want to make him uncomfortable.)
  2. Seriously? That was the worst segue ever!
  3. Jamon, tell me the truth! What kind of strange things have been happening?

What do you think, Lanyaa? Do you like it?

  1. It’s not… You really changed everything… It’s… Interesting.
  2. I have to say, it’s really amazing!
  3. I twill be fine, thanks. I just need to get used to the new look.



Things have changed a lot. I have changed. I’m the leader of the Shadow Guard now.

  1. Great! Does Karenn help you out?
  2. Huang Hua let you become a Guard leader?
  3. Congratulations! I’m really proud of you!


Lanyaa! So, like that you go see my wolfy before me?

  1. Actually, he isn’t here? I really came to see him…
  2. I was told that you made a man out of him, I had to see for myself!
  3. I… I chose a bit randomly, I have to admit.

  1. Do you get along well with Mathieu?
  2. What do you think about Koori? I can’t seem to figure her out?
  3. Adalric is a bit strange, isn’t he? Do you geta long well with him?


  1. I… Well, if you say so, I trust you.
  2. Whoa, wait a second, I’m not interested in hearing any more!
  3. So far, I think I follow


It would seem that my prayers have been answered.

  1. I don’t think it was your prayers that got me out of the Crystal.
  2. I’m not sure if prayers had anything to do with it. But thank you.
  3. Yes, it would seem that way. I’m deeply touched. Thank you so much.


The aengel and the daemon. I’ve got chills.

  1. Hahaha! Don’t worry, I understand. It must seem really far away to you.
  2. It’s funny, Lance said basically the same thing the day we defeated him.
  3. (Am I dreaming or is she making fun of me?)

Didn’t you use that term about a minute ago?

  1. You’re right. Please forgive me.
  2. Then again, you do really look like cats.
  3. I didn’t really call you a cat, it was just a joke…



  1. That’s just like me! Always slamming into hot guys at full speed!
  2. I… We don’t… We don’t know each other, do we…?
  3. I’m Lanyaa. The last aengel. There’s a statue of me over there.

But do you know how to fight? Maybe we could train together…

  1. Alright, if Huang Hua wants me to give you lessons…
  2. Sure, why not… It might be fun.
  3. I’d love to! I’m sure I can teach you a thing or two…

Actually, somethimes I miss the Internet. It made life a lot easier…

  1. That may be true, but this place is pretty incredible!
  2. You miss the Internet more than you miss people? Don’t you have a heart?
  3. Hahaha! I’m not surprised! Anyway, we’ve got magic here…

Well, my life is here too.

  1. That’s something we have in common. And I hope we’ll discover other things we share…
  2. At least I’m not the only Earthling!
  3. So how does it feel to be the last surviving member of your species?

Hey, Lanyaa. Do you mind if I sit here?

  1. No one’s stopping you…
  2. I don’t mind at all! I was just on my way to find you!
  3. Please do… I don’t mind.

You’re the only one who truly undeerstands what I’ve been through.

  1. You’re right. So let’s talk!
  2. Well, I can’t say the same about you.
  3. It’s true… Talk to me, I want to know everything!
mathieu eldarya new era episodio 1

  1. Of course it’s a good news! I’m happy to see you!
  2. (I took another step toward him and gave him a hug.)
  3. I wasn’t expecting to see you… I feel.. a little bit lost.

I know I don’t want to make the same mistakes I’ve made in the past.

  1. What exactly do you mean?
  2. All of us made mistakes, Leiftan. Maybe this is your chance to move forward.
  3. I understand. They were pretty huge mistakes.

  1. Leiftan, it’s nice to see you. Are you having a good time?
  2. So are things a bit clearer for you now…?
  3. What, are you jealous because I’m talking to Mathieu?
Leiftan eldarya new era episodio 1

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